Trauma: Artists’ Reflections on Healing and Resilience @ Hyde Art Gallery

The Hyde Art Gallery is thrilled to reopen for our second exhibition of the Spring semester, “Trauma: Artists’ Reflections on Healing and Resilience”. This emotionally impactful collection, co-curated by artists Annie Claflin and Ted Meyer, delves into personal narratives that examine both visible and invisible wounds to communicate, educate and reveal that art is not only a tool for expressing pain but also a vehicle for healing. The participating artists contemplate varied subjects such as war, cancer, sexual assault, and mental health. Artistic media like painting, fiber, and video integrate stories of harrowing life events in an exhibition that ultimately conveys solidarity. Alone, these artists communicate their physical and psychological pain through glitter, fabric, wood, imagery, and audio, while collectively inviting the audience into their healing processes.

The intersection of trauma and artistic practice can be a profound exploration into the depths of human experience and expression. Trauma, whether emotional, psychological, or physical, can etch indelible marks on an individual’s psyche, shaping their worldview, perceptions, and modes of self-expression. For individuals who have endured trauma, art becomes a vessel for processing and reconciling with their past experiences. It serves as a medium through which they can articulate the inexpressible, confront their demons, and reclaim agency over their narrative. This creative process, inherently introspective and cathartic, offers artists a space of refuge where they can transform pain into beauty, chaos into order, and despair into hope.

Participating artists: Alexandra Carter, Annie Claflin, Ayin Es, Jada Fabrizio, Rose-Lynn Fisher, Patricia Fortlage, Siobhan Hebron, Daniel Leighton, Linda Litteral, Krista Machovina, Ted Meyer, Mhairi Morrison, Dylan Mortimer, Rosalyn Myles, Kathy Nida, Alice Marie Perreault, Dominic Quagliozzi, Jane Szabo, Susan Trachman, Christiana Updegraff, Melissa Watkins, & Julie Weiman

Exhibition dates: March 18th – April 18th, 2024

Artist reception: Tuesday, April 2nd from 4-6pm

Artist discussion panel: Thursday, April 11th at 2pm

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