Opening Reception March 5th, 5-7pm

The Exhibition Features
• Interactive Digital Ecosystems
• Augmented Reality Paintings
• Digital Conversations brought into physical space
• Images and Popular Quotes Captured by Algorithms
• 3D Printed Sculpture
• Digitally Animated Sculpture
• Virtual Reality Experience
Image: Kevin Mack, “Zen Parade”, Virtual Reality Experience
The LH Horton Jr Gallery presents Technology & the Arts Exhibition, An Interactive Experience, March 5 – April 3, 2020. The Gallery Reception is planned for Thursday, March 5th, from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Admission to the Gallery exhibition, reception and Artist Talk are free and open to the public.
In addition to the exhibition, the Gallery is very excited to present an Artist Talk with Marpi Studio on March 12th at 12:30-1:30pm in the Tillie Lewis Theater, followed by a Gallery tour of the exhibition. Marpi Studio collaborators will present several of their creative projects on the intersection of technology and the arts. The presentation includes discussion on how to evolve your artistic practice into an independent and financially sound studio. They’ll share tried-and-true lessons from forming their own digital art studio, and discuss their vision for sustaining a creative business in future economies.
The exhibition is curated by Gallery Director, Jan Marlese, and features the work of seven artists whose creations are produced through a variety of computer-based technologies. Many of the works are interactive, including samples from San Francisco-based artist, Marpi, who designs vast digital ecosystems that are brought into being and shaped by users. Visitors may also engage with Daniel Leighton’s 2D printed digital paintings, which come to life through the viewer’s Gallery provided iPad. Rushali’s Silent Words brings digital conversations into physical space. Other works taking physical form include Sophia Brueckner’s commemorative plate series produced using Amazon Kindle Popular Highlight algorithm and Photoshop Photomerge algorithm. Also displayed is Can Büyükberber’s digital sculpture and animated artwork series, 3D printed sculpture by Joshua Harker, as well as augmented reality painting and 3D printed sculpture by Academy Award winning visual effects pioneer, Kevin Mack.
The exhibition was conceived on the belief that “technology and the need for new skills are shifting the workforce — requiring workers to be more creative and demanding culturally competent and innovative thinkers who are prepared to solve new global problems. Advocates for STEAM education — the intersection of science, technology, engineering, arts and math — believe it builds the habits of mind for life and work in the 21st century,” according to the Education Commission of the States 2019 policy brief, Preparing Students for Learning, Work and Life through STEAM Education.
Gallery Exhibition Hours: T 11am–4pm, W–Th 11am–6:30pm, F 11am–1pm | Posted Saturday Hours: March 7 • 11am–3pm | Closed Spring Break March 16 – 20
The Exhibition and Artist Talk is supported in-part by a grant from the Stockton Arts Commission.
L.H. Horton Art Gallery show page.